The Road Ahead
The Road Ahead
Inside the systems, strategies, topics and trends that will form the road ahead in 2016
It’s designed as a showpiece; that’s not a secret. And Robert Becker makes no qualms about it.
It ’s about the technology and the systems, he says. It’s there for people to see what it can actually do—when incorporated into one synergistic environment, of course.
More than anything, though, the Body Shop Express concept is intended to serve as physical proof that Becker and his entire team know what they’re talking about.
“We wanted something that we could point to, and say, ‘See, this is how it all is supposed to work—and it does work. Just look,’” Becker says.
So, take a look: The San Diego facility is 9,000 square feet, about three-fourths of which is made up of repair space, one paint booth and two aluminumonly bays; there’s a modern office, lobby and waiting area; and there’s a slew of gas-catalytic drying “robots”—two that, set on rails, can maneuver through the 10 bays dedicated for body and prep work, and another full-arch model set up in the shop’s paint booth, to go along with a number of small, handheld drying devices.
About Innovative Tools
Innovative Tools and Technologies is dedicated to helping customers be more efficient, productive, and profitable.
Innovative's passions don't end there. With the creation of the Innovative Movement, we are saving shop classes and helping invest in the next generation of auto body technicians!